5 Reels Ideas for Fitness

Want to Reel your audience in? Why not try Reels and see how your reach increases!

Here’s 5 ideas for how to use Reels for your fitness biz.

A couple of weeks ago, Instagram launched Reels, pretty much their version of TikTok. Having spent some time on TikTok this year, Reels isn’t quite as intuitive (ye) but it offers a great opportunity to increase your reach and visibility plus access new audiences.

When Instagram release a new feature, they push it like hell as they want it to succeed and in this case, they want to banish TikTok from the shadows! (plus regain some users that defected there over lockdown).

With that in mind, when you create a Reel, it’s likely going to get you more exposure in terms of reach (how many users your content reaches)

But how to make a good Reel and of what? 

There’s certainly a lot of talented content creators out there making some snappy short videos but as a business, if your content is not relevant to your audience, it’s not going to go far anyway. Many business accounts don’t yet have music so you may need to work around that.

Music is available on Personal and Creator accounts so depending on your business set up and your social media requirements, you could consider those.

So let’s take a look at some Reely good ideas you can use a gym or PT and remember; when creating a Reel, aim to provide value, entertain or inspire!

  1. Demonstrate the correct form for a range of exercise movements. Why not aim to demonstrate several movements and split your Reels into parts e.g. Part 1 - Deadlifts, Part 2 - Squats, etc. This keeps the audience engaged, primed for more and you could even ask your followers what they would like to see demonstrated, thereby increasing engagement even more.

  2. Show a quick home workout and detail in the text what the movement is, how many reps and any other relevant info.

  3. Give your top tips on a subject and break the video down into 3-5 quick edits.  This could be your top tips on healthy snacks, the best footwear for training, running, weight lifting etc, top tips on how to maintain motivation… You get the idea!

  4. Film inside your gym or studio and show the human side of your team! People buy from people so it’s super important to show your faces and grow the relationship with your audience.

  5. Finally, you could put together a Reel featuring your favourite healthy meal. Just film the main steps of it coming together.

Here are 5 ideas for how to use Reels for your fitness biz

Bonus idea: Why not use the green screen effect to include the progress of a particular client. This would be added from a picture in your camera reel. You can then talk your audience through it. 

Other things to remember about Reels: 

They live on your Reels feed but you can also opt for them to feature on your main grid and in your Stories. Unlike Stories (unless you save them as a highlight), they are permanent.

Use hashtags! As with your usual post or Stories, use hashtags to increase your reach and engagement. 

Happy reeling!

For more info on how I can help your gym or fitness studio grow through the power of social media marketing and paid adverting, click below.


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