• Social media and marketing for health and nutrition brands

    Social Media and Marketing for health, fitness and nutrition


helping nutrition and health businesses to grow their online presence and get more sales


Ready to grow on online?

Social media is a vital part of marketing your business. It’s your opportunity to create a powerful digital ‘shop front’ which potentially could be seen by thousands of people each day.

But social media can be a noisy place and standing out against the crowd can be difficult.

We can help you develop a clear plan for targeting your client with content that hits the spot.

At MixFresh, we offer:

  • Social Media Strategy Development

  • Content Creation and Copywriting for Social Media, Websites, Members and more

  • Social Media Management

  • Email Marketing to support your business and nurture leads



Creating content can take a lot of time especially coming up with the creative ideas consistently. You might find that you want to manage your social channels day to day but need some help creating the posts. We have experience in creating health-based content that your audience will love.

Then you can get on with running your business!

I can create quality content for your social media

social media Content Creation

We can create quality content for your social media including graphics and videos and write engaging captions to sit alongside.

Get in touch to talk about your requirements.


We can help you publish blog posts regularly which will help position you as an expert and improve SEO.

Get in touch to talk about your requirements.

Digital marketing for nutritionists and health pros


We can also write copy for your email marketing such as weekly newsletters and launch copy.

Get in touch to talk about your requirements.

Hollie training a client on how to use Instagram to the fullest potential

social media training sessions 

Social media training sessions can be a good solution if you are managing elements of your marketing yourself but need professional help to get the fundamentals in place.

Prior to the session, we’ll have a short call to talk about what you want to get out of the training.

Training sessions include:

  • Content Planning & Creation

  • How to use Instagram for business

  • Social Media & Marketing Strategy

  • Creating a compelling lead magnet to build your email list

  • Membership Planning

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    words from happy clients…

    Hollie standing smiling in a doorway

     Hi, I’m hollie…


    Hi! I'm Hollie. I help brands in the health, nutrition and fitness space grow their online presence and get more sales. During my career in marketing, I’ve worked with brands big and small. My freelance career started 5 years ago in 2017 when I wanted more flexibility to work around my family.

     Since then, I’ve launched gyms and health memberships, executed successful paid and organic social media campaigns and provided hours of training! Oh, and my knowledge of fitness and nutrition has seriously grown. And I love it!

    I constantly invest in my own learning and have completed training for both Facebook and Google paid ads. Keeping up to date with platform features and changes is also key to ensure I am offering the very best service to my clients.